About Select a Gym
Hello, I’m John Falkinder, founder of SteamTrainFitness, active ageing coach and a qualified Cert III & IV Personal Trainer to anyone wanting to reinvent themselves and their outlook on good health and fitness for life.
After taking note of the many comments from people I have talked with over the past year or so I decided the time is ripe to offer prospective gym goers the opportunity, combined with the ease and convenience, of discovering the best local gym to suit their individual needs when it comes to working out.
So from these discussions, your very own personal gym locator Select A Gym was born.
Finding the best gyms near me has always been a bit of a “hit and miss” affair so to help you make this critical decision I have grouped together all the major gyms in one easy to use web site.
What could be easier?
My research tells me there are three standout requirements people list when looking for a gym membership. They are: 1. Membership fees, 2. Location and 3. Free Gym Trial.
Because membership fees are becoming more and more competitive these days I have concentrated my efforts on giving you what is needed most to make a well informed decision. Every Select A Gym listing is geo located, so, from the automatic Google Maps connection you will know exactly where to find a gym close to either your home or work place.
All of our listings also have a Claim My Free Gym Trial button. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this facility as it is your free passport to being able to really determine 100% which gym is best for you and more than often this is not an easy job.
A free trial takes all the guess work out of joining a gym. So why not use it?
It allows people to experience first-hand the feel and atmosphere you are going to be working out in, whether it has the right mix of equipment, is the equipment well maintained, are the staff friendly and attentive to your needs and what are the amenities like……..is there enough locker space, are the toilets and showers cleaned regularly and much, much more?
All these questions will be answered when you Claim My Free Trial.